Sunday, June 26, 2011

National Pollinator Week

It's the last day of National Pollinator Week!  Unfortunately that means the year is half over.  I've been so busy this year with working, plant sale, pollinator demonstration garden, speaking engagements, and life in general, I haven't had time to do any posting to this blog.
So although the week is over, I'm still going to do a series on pollinators.  This post will appear at some later time on the Franklin County Master Gardener blog as well.

Help Pollinators Tip #1...........Reduce or eliminate entirely the use of pesticides. 

Pesticides and fungicides have played a role in the loss of pollinators.

Sometimes the use of pesticides and fungicides are unavoidable.
If this is the case, please read and follow the directions carefully.

And apply them at dusk when pollinator activity is low.

Once pollinators are settled down for the night, the risk of exposure drops.
Liquid application is better than powder application where pollinators are concerned.

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