Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Early Foragers

My neighbor, Nancy, has the most beautiful azalea in her backyard.  Unfortunately it grows under some maple trees and doesn't get very much sunlight.  As a result, there's never very many flowers on it in the spring.  This year though, it has produced more flowers than I've ever seen it produce.  I'm not sure how much of that has to do with the storm damage to our 25 ft. arborvitae growing nearby.  The ice caused a huge chunk to break off of one side.  Oddly enough, the side facing Nancy's azalea.  Or how much of it has to do with our cutting down the English walnut tree this winter.  Also growing nearby.  So perhaps it got more sunlight than in previous years.  Or maybe it was from the pruning back I did to it last year after it was done blooming.  With Nancy's permission of course.  Or was it just a combination of all of the above.
In any case, it has been there for a good number of years without much tending to. 

It is the most beautiful shade of pink/red/coral rosy color.  And the bees just love it.

I do too.  In fact, I find myself completely enchanted by it this year.  And like the bees, I think I'm going to show it a little more love this spring.

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