Friday, March 19, 2010

The Ugly Spot

Yesterday my husband and I attacked the ground alongside of the old barn/service station that faces the kitchen window.  It is one of two ugly spots on the property.  Especially so since I have to look at it every time I do the dishes.  Which oddly enough seems to be about ten times a day.
Before my arrival to this property, someone planted "the ugly spot" with a row of beautiful peonies.
And now they share space with mutant weeds, randomly sprouting mulberry trees, poison ivy and various brambles that warn of dire consequences which will come with any attempt at eliminating them.
The key is to get up there before anything starts to seriously grow.  Like NOW!
We went forth with saws, loppers, pitchforks and rakes.  And in no time at all had the old debris cleared out and raked in a row out in the recently dismantled horse paddock.
Let me digress here for a moment.
What is it about men that they see the need for bigger power tools with most any outdoor chore or project?
While I was still raking, my husband decided the John Deer was needed on the scene to cut up the debris.  Which of course contained long strings of old poison ivy I was extremely careful of avoiding contact with by using a long pitchfork.  He starts into the row of debris from the other end with what I refer to as "the testosterone gleam" in his eyes.  So intent he was on mowing down the long pile, he never noticed me waving the rake in the air like a mad woman, trying to get his attention.  I watched in horror as the debris spewed forth, creating a dust that was carried downwind, away from my husband.  I bet you'll never guess where I was standing!  I only wanted him to let me get upwind while he had his way with the pile.
All I could do was run for cover around the side of the building and say a prayer the poison ivy bubbles would not reach my lungs when they arrived.
Back to the ugly spot.......
Somehow, perhaps due to the early start of their growth, the peonies manage to grow up through and around all of this junk and still look beautiful.  And I saw the first inch or so peeking through the soil yesterday.
Last year I swore when September arrived, I was going to get up there and rescue those peonies.
I blinked and September was gone.  This year I've vowed to stay on top of the weed whacking around the peonies, kill the poison ivy, and come September plan my rescue mission.
I know Mother Nature has a sense of humor and the joke will probably be on me.
But for now, the ugly spot is bramble free and beautiful!
I now wait for the poison ivy bubbles.

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