Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Glimmers of Spring

The countdown to spring has begun! The snow is doing a quick retreat. 
I see the first nubbins of tulips peaking through. The robins are doing their mating rituals, mockingbirds are gathering nesting material, and the shabunkins, koi, salamanders and frogs have come out of their winter hideouts in the pond!

I have a love/hate relationship with this time of year.

I am so eager to be done with the snow and cold.  I'm filled with excitement about my flower beds and what cool creatures I might photograph this year.
My heart beats fast over the plant and seed catalogs.
And yet.....I know it's the beginning of 8-12 weeks of seriously hard work.  Waking up mornings feeling like I've contracted polio overnight from gardening the day before.  This year, Wii Fit has entered my life.  Maybe that part won't be so bad.  Or perhaps that's wishful thinking. 
Spring:  Time has a way of evaporating into thin air, causing me near angina, for fear of not getting to something in time.  Plants could care less what your schedule is.  They don't wait for you.
In addition.......all of those "over the winter" projects I had delusions of grandeur about, have now moved to the "git r done or forget it" pile.
We're talking mere hours left to wrap things up here people!
Especially challenging when you work full time.
I begin a season of laundry piling up, dishes left in the sink and dust buffalo rolling around the house .  Yes you heard me, dust buffalo.  They replace the bunnies when spring hits.  More angina.
I did say I love this time of year, didn't I?
Bring it on!

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